Books I Read (and loved) in 2018

Books I Read (and loved) in 2018

Ooohkay. It's REALLY late into the year to post this, but that's okay. Because I want to do it anyway. That's okay, right? Here are some of the books that I read (and loved) in 2018. I hope you enjoy!!

So, I read a heck of a lot of books in 2018. I can't exactly remember how many (because I am seriously terrible at organizing), but I know that there was a crapload of them. So let's just get on with it, shall we?

The first few books that I read was actually a trilogy. *drumroll* I read the Maze Runner trilogy!!! Oh my goodness gracious, I loved these books like no other. In 2018, I really re-discovered my love for reading. I was really into reading new young adult (ages 12+ or so), and this trilogy really re-ignited my passion for it. If you don't know, the Maze Runner trilogy is a group of books that are based on this dystopian society where Sun Flares hit the Earth and cause massive destruction. This destruction is but is not limited to, radiation poisoning, massive sunburns, and global extinction. Anyway, this one group of government hobos form together and call themselves WICKED. They put this group of dudes in a massive Maze, and then map out their thinking patterns. This description is really incomplete and terrible, but I don't want to be spoiling the whole trilogy now, do I? For a more complete description, check out this link that will tell you much more than I ever could.

In 2018, I also read a heck of a ton of Rick Riordan's books. I read Throne of Fire, the Red Pyramid, the complete Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard trilogy, most of the Heroes of Olympus series, and so on. I gotta be honest with you guys. I live for these books. They are just so great!! If you haven't read any of Rick's books, you are massively missing out. Seriously, go do yourself a favor and read them RIGHT NOW. Leo Valdez and Nico de Angelo for LIFE!!

In 2018, I also read the seventh installment in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series: Flashback. I didn't love this book as much as the others in the series, but it still was a Keeper book, so I will still include it on this list!

I also read Princess Academy, the first book in the Princess Academy trilogy. It was a great book, and I can't wait to read the second!

Ooh, this next one I absolutely LOVED. Laura Ruby is literally a master. The book I'm talking about is York. Oh my goodness, you NEED to read this book. The next installment in the series is coming out this year, and I can't freaking wait. I hope my local library carries it!!

The final book(s) I'll mention is by Orson Scott Card. I love his writing, they are so good. I read the whole of the Ender Quintet and the whole of the Pathfinder trilogy. Both were really great reads!

Phew! Can you tell that I'm running out of synonyms to use? Please excuse that. Anyway, thanks for reading and hope you have a great day. If you have any book recommendations, I'd definitely look into them! Just put them in the comment section of this post. Bye for now, Ripplefluff.


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